This is an idea worth stealing: A Pennsylvania second-grader has taken action to create a “buddy bench” at his school so that children who feel alone on the playground have a place to go to spark new friendships. From the York Daily Record:
When second-grader Christian Bucks noticed that some of his friends didn’t have anyone to play with on the playground at Roundtown Elementary School in York, Pa., he decided to take action to help foster friendships at his school, setting forth to acquire a buddy bench.
The way the buddy bench works is if students feel lonely on the playground without anything to do, they can go to the buddy bench, and another student will come to the bench and ask if they want to play or talk.
If two people are sitting at the bench, they could ask each other if they want to play, Christian said.
He described the buddy bench as having a purpose to “grow our dream circle of friends.”
What a great idea. What a great kid. Read full story here.