Sharing its brilliance

Daily Reading for April 17 • Friday in Easter Week

There is one God, who by his word and wisdom created all things and set them in order. His Word is our Lord Jesus Christ, who in this last age became human among us to unite the end and the beginning, that is, humanity and God. Humankind was to receive the Spirit of God and so attain to the glory of the Father.

The Spirit prepares us to receive the Son of God, the Son leads us to the Father, and the Father, freeing us from change and decay, bestows the eternal life that comes to everyone from seeing God.

As those who see light are in the light sharing its brilliance, so those who see God are in God sharing his glory, and that glory gives them life. To see God is to share in life.

From the treatise Against Heresies by Irenaeus, Bishop of Lyons [c. 202], found in Readings for the Daily Office from the Early Church, edited by J. Robert Wright. Copyright © 1991. Used by permission of Church Publishing Incorporated, New York, NY.

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