Even in a society that is increasingly secular, are Christians still privileged over other religions?
Here is one answer from Sam Killerman who created a list of 30 or more indicators of Christian privilege at the blog “It’s Pronounced Metrosexual.”
Following is a list of privileges granted to people in the U.S. (and many western nations) for being Christian. If you identify as Christian, there’s a good chance you’ve never thought about these things. In response to the ever-increasing “War on Christianity” headlines, I thought it prudent to create this list…
You can expect to have time off work to celebrate religious holidays.
Music and television programs pertaining to your religion’s holidays are readily accessible.
It is easy to find stores that carry items that enable you to practice your faith and celebrate religious holidays.
You aren’t pressured to celebrate holidays from another faith that may conflict with your religious values.
Holidays celebrating your faith are so widely supported you can often forget they are limited to your faith (e.g. wish someone a “Merry Christmas” or “Happy Easter” without considering their faith).
You can worship freely, without fear of violence or threats.
A bumper sticker supporting your religion won’t likely lead to your car being vandalized.
You can practice your religious customs without being questioned, mocked, or inhibited.
If you are being tried in court, you can assume that the jury of “your peers” will share your faith and not hold that against you in weighing decisions.
When swearing an oath, you will place your hand on a religious scripture pertaining to your faith.
Positive references to your faith are seen dozens of times a day by everyone, regardless of their faith.
Politicians responsible for your governance are probably members of your faith.