The darkness greets me. The sun is yet to rise but the dawn of a new day brings me hope. Everyone else still sleeps. I sit at the table with breakfast. I take a few deep breaths. I listen to the silence. I revel in being alone. The clock ticks. Surrounded by the dark, and waiting for the light to come, I think of all those who are up at this time.
I look over my sermon for the morning and offer a few prayers for those who will hear my words. I think of the pastors across the world greeting the day to bring Good News to God’s people. I pray that they will know the truth of God’s love for them. I pray their words are heard in a spirit of love. I pray their words inspire and convict. Hear our prayers, Lord.
In the dark I give thanks for the faithful witness of those who will come and worship. I pray for hearts to be opened and minds to be renewed. I pray for stillness to hear the Spirit’s interceding. I pray for hands to offer peace and smiles to welcome. I pray for understanding. I pray for strength for those afraid to go to church. Hear our prayers, Lord.
On this Sabbath day greeted by the darkness I remember the first disciples who went to the tomb early in the morning. With heavy hearts they went seeking Jesus. It seems that so many now continue to seek Jesus with heavy hearts. They wonder if God is with them in their struggles. Some can only see the dark surrounding them. I pray for them and their hearts. That they know the light of Christ. I pray for those seeking Jesus. I pray for those who have given up hope. I pray for the people who meet them in their darkness and show them a glimpse of the light. Hear our prayers, Lord.
The darkness fades to light. I know the sun is rising. I know today is a new day. I know Jesus is not found in the tomb. He is risen. His light overcoming the darkness again and again. It’s here in the dark that I learn to trust the light’s presence. It’s here in the dark where I remember I’m not alone.
I lean towards the light, I know it’s there.