SOME Faith leaders: Exempt religious groups from order barring LGBT bias in hiring

Some faith leaders have issued a public letter asking the White House to provide religious groups an exemption from the president’s executive order barring LBGT discrimination in hiring. The signers include some of Obama’s closest advisers.

Michele Boorstein writing in the Washington Post: The letter

includes the signatures of Michael Wear, faith director for Obama’s 2012 campaign; Stephen Schneck, a leader of Catholic outreach in 2012; and Florida megapastor Joel Hunter, whom Obama has described as a close spiritual counselor.

The letter reminds Obama of his own earlier faith-based opposition to same-sex marriage, as well as the government’s massive partnerships with faith-based social service groups that work on issues including housing, disaster relief and hunger.

“While the nation has undergone incredible social and legal change over the last decade, we still live in a nation with different beliefs about sexuality. We must find a way to respect diversity of opinion,” said the letter.

“An executive order that does not include a religious exemption will significantly and substantively hamper the work of some religious organizations that are best equipped to serve in common purpose with the federal government.,” it said. “When the capacity of religious organizations is limited, the common good suffers.”

Obama announced last month that he would sign an executive order barring discrimination by federal contractors on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity.

Let us know of faith leaders who have praised the president’s executive order.

Obama and Hunter attend 2014 Easter Prayer Breakfast at White House

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