Some thoughts on Thanksgiving

Lelanda Lee writes:

A natural consequence of regularly saying “Thanks be to God” is that one begins to notice all the people in everyday encounters who are to be thanked for what they do. Saying “Thank you” to the checkout clerk at the store becomes specific, thanking her for the care she has taken to wrap my breakable items carefully. I find myself adding, “I hope you’re having a good day, too,” in response to her parting “Have a good day.”

Street Prophets offers a meditation on the first Thanksgiving.

Bishop George Packard also has thoughts on Thanksgiving. And Father Tim at Clergy Family Confidential has an amusing sketch on another aspect of the season.

However, the Faith in Public Life bloggers remind us that:

Just days before most of us sit down to eye-popping amounts of turkey, stuffing and pie, we read that nearly 1 in 8 Americans “struggled to feed themselves adequately last year.”

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