South Florida Episcopal school charged with age discrimination

A federal civil rights agency says that St. Mark’s Episcopal School may have violated the law when the headmaster fired four older female teachers and replaced them with younger women.

From the South Florida Sun Sentinel

There is good reason to believe four older female teachers were fired from an upper-crust Fort Lauderdale private school in a bid to replace them with younger, buxom women, a federal civil rights agency has found.

The Rev. William “Dub” Brooks, 58, headmaster of St. Mark’s Episcopal School, has been accused by the dismissed teachers of age discrimination. They are demanding their jobs back. The EEOC wrote: “[Brooks’] actions far from a mere random incident are perceived (based on evidence) to have malice, motive, preparation, planning and intent to discriminate against older individuals.”

Amlong has filed two whistle-blower lawsuits in Broward Circuit Court and a total of six complaints with the EEOC accusing the school of age discrimination and sexually harassing

a male summer-camp director.

The lawsuit and complaints filed on behalf of the school’s associate head of finance Dilawar Shareef are pending, as is a complaint filed on behalf of fired Principal Gail Palmer. Their complaints revolve around claims that Brooks made a male summer-camp director feel uncomfortable by saying: “You’re cute, and cute people go a long way in this school.”

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