Speaking to the Soul: Alleluia! Alleluia!

by Kimberly Knowle-Zeller



From my view at the dining room table I look outside and see the wind blowing.

The color green is in abundance.

Flowers are blooming.

Birds are chirping.

The neighboring church steeple stands proudly.

Childrens’ laughter echoes from the park.


Spring is here.

The Easter season is among us.

Christ is risen!

Sitting at my computer just looking out the window, I’m cultivating the habit of seeing the world through resurrection eyes.


If I look deeply enough, the whole world is bursting with new life.

If I listen intently, the earth echoes with newness.

If I let my senses guide me, I can smell, see, hear and taste the beauty of hope.


On this day it’s easy to see resurrection in my midst. With the sun shining, a peacefully sleeping toddler, and the friendship of neighbors, life is good. Life is hopeful.


But that’s not always the case.

Plenty of times I’m running from place to place barely taking a moment to pause.

Plenty of times I read the news and feel the weight of the world on my shoulders.

Plenty of times the world feels small and scary and devoid of hope.

Those are the days I can’t or won’t see the possibilities of resurrection in my midst.

They are real and hard and keep me away from the beauty that is our Easter faith.


But more often than not, I have good days, and seeing the world with hope and joy comes naturally.


Viewing the world with resurrection eyes means seeing our neighbors as friends; baking freshly made bread and offering a slice to someone who is hungry; watching a sleeping child; playing at the park; tutoring a student; offering to hold the door for a stranger; writing a handwritten note; planting flowers, trees, and vegetables; inviting friends over to break bread together; watching the sun rise and set.


Resurrection is in our midst.

Easter is here.

Christ is risen.



How about you? Where have you experienced the world with resurrection eyes?

Take a moment.

Look. Smell. Breathe. Taste. Touch.

The world is bursting with resurrection.


Kimberly Knowle-Zeller is an ordained ELCA pastor, mother of a toddler, and spouse of an ELCA pastor. She lives with her family in Cole Camp, MO. Her website is http://www.kimberlyknowlezeller.com

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