by Kimberly Knowle-Zeller
Here we are.
It seems as if I was just asking how your Lent was going, and now we’re embarking on the holiest of weeks.
Holy Week
The week of high emotions, gut-wrenching pain, betrayal, violence, death, hope, and new life.
All in one week.
And sometimes it seems all in one day.
Feelings of deep sadness at the war and violence occurring in our world.
Feelings of guilt for all I could and should be doing.
Feelings of loneliness and despair.
Feelings of uncertainty.
Feelings of frustration.
Feelings of doubt.
Feelings of just wanting to bury my head and turn away from it all.
This is why I need Holy Week.
To remind me that what I’m feeling and what I’m facing are never the final answer.
I need the shouting crowds and hosannas of Palm Sunday to point me to the One who comes triumphantly in our lives bringing peace and justice.
I need the community to walk with me through the story.
I need the bread and wine to be given and shed for me.
I need Jesus’ invitation to the table over and over again.
I need the forgiveness granted at the table.
I need the humble acts of service shared with neighbors.
I need to wash the feet of my neighbors.
I need to stand at the foot of the cross.
I need to weep at the death and loss of life.
I need to wait in the silence.
I need Holy Week.
Because in the end, once I’ve heard and experienced the story again, heard it anew, I can be ready for resurrection.
I can stand at the empty tomb knowing that I live on the other side of death.
I need Holy Week.
Here’s to the journey.
Peace be with you.
Kimberly Knowle-Zeller is an ordained ELCA pastor, mother of a toddler, and spouse of an ELCA pastor. She lives with her family in Cole Camp, MO. Her website is