Spirit of Earth Day

Deacon Roxanne Klingensmith reminds us of our responsibility to care for and protect the earth:

Celebrate the spirit of Earth Day

From the Bozeman Daily Chronicle

We live in an amazing world, on an incredible planet. Our children remind us the raw pleasure of wonder. Who hasn’t smiled when a toddler stomps with sheer delight through frozen puddles, head tilted, listening to the crinkle, hands muddy and cold from touching ice? I recall my own daughter, barely 2 years old, planted smack dab in mud. She reveled in it, spellbound and fascinated by the feel, the taste, the smell of wet dirt. She gave me the chance to see God’s creation again, as if for the first time.

This awe of our natural world is the true inspiration for Earth Day. In our hearts, deep in our guts, we feel connection to the earth around us. It is home.

On Sunday, April 17, a new event – Spirit of Earth Day – will celebrate and explore this link between what we believe and stewardship of our planet.

It matters not your denomination, evangelical or atheist, Buddhist or Baha’i. We are all charged to be good stewards of the earth. We are all called to care for this planet. And we’re not doing such a hot job.

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