Springfield narrows field to three

The Diocese of Springfield had narrowed their field of nominees to three with balloting held on Saturday, August 7. Although they allowed for four nominees, a deadlock over a fourth candidate occurred. Neither Beth Fain+ nor Shawn Denney+ could obtain the necessary votes from the other order. Laity and clergy split and the convention voted to go with three.

The balloting is here:

After the eighth ballot, a motion was made to suspend the Rules of Order for the Nominating Synod and to nominate three candidates instead of four. The motion passed by the required two-thirds majority of the Clergy and Lay delegates voting. Therefore, the final three candidates for the Election of a Bishop are: The Rev. Matthew A. Gunter (Diocese of Chicago); The Rev. Daniel H. Martins (Diocese of Northern Indiana); and The Rev. Canon E. Mark Stevenson (Diocese of Louisiana).

A previous Lead story is here

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