Sudan: Archbishop makes appeal after deadly attacks


Archbishop Daniel Deng Bul of the Episcopal Church of the Sudan (ECS) has called on the Government of Southern Sudan and the international community “to act swiftly” to prevent further attacks such as those that left more than 40 dead and many more wounded in Twic East County, Jonglei State, on August 28.

Among those killed were the Venerable Joseph Mabior Garang, archdeacon of Wernyol and Deng’s commissary in the new Diocese of Twic East, “who was shot at the altar of the church in Wernyol during a service of Morning Prayer,” according to a statement from Deng that was posted on the ECS website.

Read the ENS report here.

BBC puts the story in the context of the comprehensive peace plan:

Archbishop Daniel Deng Bul Yak said recent clashes had been called “tribal conflicts” over cattle but were really deliberate attempts to cause unrest.

The Sudan Tribune frames it as a cattle rustling story gone bad:

August 29, 2009 (BOR TOWN) – Some 41 people are dead and 28 others injured in Jonglei’s Twic East County when raiders from neighboring Lou Nuer attacked a Payam headquarters early Friday.

After failing to get cattle stationed previously at the Apiir camp, the rustlers engulfed Wernyol in all directions and open fire on the village. As youths try to contend the raid with women, children and elderly people on run to safety zones, only to fell into ambush.

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