Suggestions for replacing Giglio at the inauguration

As President Obama considers who might replace Pastor Louie Giglio to deliver the benediction at his upcoming inauguration, GLAAD (Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation) notes:

Many had to wonder why it appears to be so difficult to find a faith leader without an anti-LGBT background. Just a couple of weeks ago, GLAAD released Ten Pro-LGBT Faith Voices of 2012. Any of these people would have been superb. Some are clergy, some are lay people. All of them have shown a commitment to their faith and to justice for ALL people.

GLAAD’s list includes the Rev. Nancy Wilson, the moderator of the Metropolitan Community Church, Jay Bakker, the Rev. Dr. Otis Moss III, the pastor of Obama’s former church, Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago, and Fr. James Martin, SJ. (See complete list here.)

ThinkProgress offers its own list, which includes the Very Reverend Gary R. Hall, dean of the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C., who championed the cathedral’s recently announced decision to begin performing same-sex marriages.

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