Sunday Social Hour

Facebook this week was dominated by chatter over the Haiti earthquake. Our Wednesday post featuring email updates from those in the loop got a lot of FB comments as people checked in with one another and asked after folks. We ask that you revisit that thread with any updates you may have,. It’s also important, if you’re reading us through Facebook or Twitter, to visit the original post when there’s breaking news afoot, as we often update those posts but the updates don’t get piped into Facebook.

Amid the flurry of tweets for #Haiti and Episcopal Relief and Development on Twitter, one #ecafe post caught our attention for something completely different. Spirituality for Nomads,” attendees will hear about this:

Touring can be exhausting. Feuding bandmates, lack of sleep, and long drives can be enough to push even the most centered person over the edge. Learn some practical tips on how to deal with the stresses of life on the road in the panel Spirituality for Nomads, moderated by Merrill Wade, Rector of St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church. Joining Merrill on the panel will be Tom Gimbel from High Wire Music and Carolyn Schwarz with Health Alliance for Austin Musicians.

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