Sunday Social Hour

Over at Unapologetically Episcopalian, they’ve posited a “weekend wondering” question that they’d like readers to weigh in on. “How have you introduced someone to the Episcopal Church? How has that introduction made a difference – to that person, to the Church, to you?” You can answer them here.

After someone made what seems to be a non sequitur baseball comment within our thread congratulating our 3,333rd Facebook fan, Rick Seelhoff, and because we all love baseball so much that we created a category for it, we now have a discussion board for baseball among Cafe enthusiasts. Nick Knisely and I will have to remember to sign any comments we make, but you can be pretty sure if it’s waxing effusive over the Phillies, it’s probably this particular editor.

If you are on our Facebook group (that is, not our page), we will probably be disabling the functions there that allow members to contribute content after a few flagrant abuses we deleted this morning.

If anyone has any information on the Rt. Rev. Barbara Harris’ recovery, please share it here.

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