Sunday Social Hour

Greetings from the Cafe’s social media sites! It’s been quiet on FB lately, but that’s probably the result of ongoing technical glitches that are beyond our control. Everything seems to be caught up today, but we do try to check the page each day to see how it’s going.

The discussion on “Being a post-modern clergy spouse” speculated onto what it must be like to be the husband of ++KJS. Ann Fontaine uncovered the information that “He is a retired professor of mathematics. He has two mathematical theorems named for him, as well as an avid photographer,” as well as this picture.

Your social hour editor managed to get dragged into a “Someone is Wrong on the Internet” kind of discussion this week (a metareference to xkcd, which isn’t loading at the moment) in other parts of the ‘net, and so was very gratified to see an amusing exchange in responses to “Don’t give me the facts, I’m reactionary.” After two people wrangled a little over whether the post could be applied equally to liberals AND conservatives, the following was said (excerpted for space):

John: The point is that the story is just as applicable to Liberals as to conservatives. And by the way You DON”T see the point. If you did you would have voted for McCain. …

Lory: : I used to live in AZ and respected John McCain. Rarely agreed with him, but respected him. He lost my respect when …

But remember…these words emanate from the mind of a Socialist-Marxist-Fascist-Commie-Godless-Unpatriotic-Elitist-Populist-Liberal-Deviant Democrat.

John: Yes, but an engaging Socialist-Marxist-Fascist-Commie-Godless-Unpatriotic-Elitist-Populist-Liberal-Deviant Democrat. I should know; I am a Running Dog Capitalist-College Degreed- Conservative-Self Employed-God Fearing-Gun Owning-Patriotic-Self Assured-Republican.

Lory: Love it John!

John: Ditto………

Some discussion topics. First of all, there is an open discussion thread about baseball. Perhaps you’d like to share your thoughts on why so many Episcopalians love it? Or perhaps the Cafe editors are not a representative sample. Come weigh in! Secondly, some of the editors are curious to hear how you first found out about the Cafe. You can tell them here.

A footnote: When I vented on FB about writing this post with the help of my 8-month-old, reader Becky Says commented, “If he can explain that speech to the Lutherans, I’d appreciate it.”

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