Sunday Social Hour

This week in social networking land, we have a book on Hispanic Ministry, Bono pointing out why he thinks Obama deserved the Nobel, and angry reactions to Uganda’s announcement of tough laws criminalizing homosexuality.

On Twitter, @texasbishop C. Andrew Doyle points us to a book by his diocese’s canon for multicultural ministry, Jaime Case, called Starting Hispanic Ministry: Gleanings in the Southwestern USA Field of Domestic Ministry. This is a good example of how people can bring dioscesan resources to light for a wider audience using the microblogging service.

@keepercaines34 points us to U2 frontman Bono, writing an op-ed in the New York Times that explains why he thinks President Obama garnered the Nobel Peace prize. As Bono writes:

There’s a sense in some quarters of these not-so-United States that Norway, Europe and the World haven’t a clue about the real President Obama; instead, they fixate on a fantasy version of the president, a projection of what they hope and wish he is, and what they wish America to be.

Well, I happen to be European, and I can project with the best of them. So here’s why I think the virtual Obama is the real Obama, and why I think the man might deserve the hype. It starts with a quotation from a speech he gave at the United Nations last month:

“We will support the Millennium Development Goals, and approach next year’s summit with a global plan to make them a reality. And we will set our sights on the eradication of extreme poverty in our time.”

They’re not my words, they’re your president’s. If they’re not familiar, it’s because they didn’t make many headlines. But for me, these 36 words are why I believe Mr. Obama could well be a force for peace and prosperity — if the words signal action.

On Facebook, the most popular post of the week was Christian Hansen’s tongue-in-cheek Daily Episcopalian essay, Canterbury approves “Vatican use” rite. The *least* popular, if outraged commentary is a measure of that, would have been Uganda to enact prison or death laws for GBLT persons. There was considerable silence from our right-leaning “fan” base when someone asked if there were any departing priests under the Bishop of Uganda (and was answered with “at least two”), and one comment that cut right to the heart of it:

…this is just one more reason for me to reject in toto any incursion of the African Primates into the American Provinces. One must wonder if those who have moved to put themselves under the jurisdiction of the African Bishops wish to put LGBT people in camps too.

If you’re on Facebook, read that commentary here.

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