Sunday Social Hour

Our feed to the social networks is working again. Apologies for the delay, but it was well timed for me since I was a bit busy welcoming a new Mosher into the world last week. Of course, this week we’re hit by a bug that keeps us from seeing older Tweets today, and a similar problem plagued Facebook last night. So if you tweeted something to the #ecafe line, be sure to share it again in the comments.

On Facebook, however, the notes are working just fine now. We’re seeking input on whether we need community guidelines on comments posted there, however, given some recent tirades. What do you think?

One item posted to Speaking to the Soul this week generated some interesting comments. In praise of music led Holly Mills to explore and find an online edition of William Byrd’s great service in English. Donald Schell, who also commented at the original post, added:

Reading Antonia Fraser’s Faith and Treason after seeing Jesuit playwright Bill Cain’s Equivocation at the Oregon Shakespeare Festival this summer got me thinking of Byrd’s courage walking a knife’s edge in Jacobean England. His masses for three and four voices were literally written for three or four singers because the Latin mass was illegal and had to be done in well hidden chapels in country houses. The risks he took to write those masses say something about where his heart was, but it feels like he poured plenty of faith and prayer into the English music he wrote for the Anglican Prayer Book too.

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