Sunday Social Hour: Open thread, Facebook discussions

For Sunday Social Hour this week, we left the question open to what folks wanted to talk about. Our readers commend you read Derek Olsen’s Communion Without Baptism on the Daily Episcopalian. The series has generated a lot of comments and you can read them here: Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3.

Other topics that readers would like to discuss include:

“Since an Arizona style immigration law has been introduced into the Nebraska legislature, I’m also wondering about what the Christian perspective is on undocumented immigrants and what the Church’s response should be?” — John Andrews

“Something related to Campus ministry as the Spring Term has just started…” — Vicki Kelsey

“Has anyone tried a Contemporary Worship Service, when do you have it? How has it been received? Where do you announce/advertise?”– Debra Kellerman

Another reader notes: “I’m curious how many full time w/benefits female assistant priests in larger parishes have been replaced by unpaid mostly female deacons since 2008? I can think of five in my diocese, myself included.”

Follow the links to see the discussion threads we’ve created–and just so you know, you can initiate other discussions on the Episcopal Cafe discussion board on Facebook.

Next week, we’ll work on getting social hour out to the Twitter followers too, promise!

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