In previous years the NFL has frowned on congregations getting together to watch the Super Bowl together on a large screen – and especially so if the “getting together” is held as a fund-raiser. In addition, the licensing agreements that govern the broadcast used to ban “public” showings on wide-screen televisions. Many churches were using their projection equipment to show the game on wall sized screens.
But good news! Last year in response to congressional pressure, the league changed the terms of its broadcast usage policy to clarify the second restriction:
“‘As long as they follow the basic guidelines set forth by the NFL, churches can now rest assured that they are free to have football parties and show the Super Bowl game,’ said John W Whitehead, president of the Charlottesville, Va.-based civil liberties organization.
…NFL spokesman Brian McCarthy said the modified policy eliminated past rules regarding the size of the screens on which the game is shown.
‘The only thing we do ask is that these organizations not charge admission — the game’s on TV for free — and that they hold the parties at locations they regularly use for other large gatherings,’ he said Tuesday (Jan. 27).”
Read a full description here in Ethics Daily.