The Traditional Anglican Church has been severely criticized by an Australian judge who says he is “astonished” the church allowed Wilfred Edwin Dennis to re-enter the priesthood and commit sexual child abuse “strikingly similar” to crimes for which he was convicted in the 1970s.
During his trial, the court heard Dennis had told the Archbishop of the Traditional Anglican Communion – a splinter group from the Anglican Church – that he had molested “more than 40” boys during his priesthood with the Anglican Church.
Dennis has appealed the conviction.
TAC, a sect, not part of the Anglican Communion, is pursuing entry into the Roman Catholic Church under Benedict XVI’s Apostolic Constitution (Anglicanorum Coetibus). According to its leader, Archbishop John Hepworth, ““The ball is in our court. We asked for this [the Anglicanorum Coetibus] and this is what we got. This is becoming Anglican Catholics, not Roman Catholics.”
Mark Harris has a good primer on TAC.
The Roman Catholic Church has its own problems with pedophiles, and lack of discipline:
And then there’s Austin Invereigh, British Isles blogger for In All Things, who’s got a heavy load to tote on the recent summit meeting His Holiness held with the Irish episcopacy on the gigantic priest pedophile cover-up scandal in the Emerald Isle.
“The Irish bishops just don’t get it” is the title of post–but the real point that Invereigh can’t bring himself to utter except obliquely and in the passive voice–is that it’s the pope who doesn’t get it. Here are the key graphs:
But Dr Martin’s approach was defeated in Rome, and the other bishops returned home happy. Only one has had his offer to resign accepted. And from what they said yesterday, it doesn’t look as if anything happened in Rome to shake them out of their denial.
That leaves the Pope’s pastoral letter to the Irish people, expected mid-March. But if that doesn’t confront the core sin identified by Murphy, the chances of trust being restored in the Church look slim indeed.
Dr. Martin is of course Archbishop Diarmuid Martin of Dublin, who assuredly does get it, and who signaled his unhappiness with Rome by not showing up at the post-confab dog-and-pony show.
Perhaps TAC should consider Groucho Marx’s saying, “I don’t want to belong to any club that would have me as a member.”