Thanksgiving Prayer: The Grace Before the Meal
Join hands.
There is Another
only seen with the soul’s eyes,
or felt within the heart.
Give thanks, and not forgetting
That One who gave the words
of that most gracious prayer –
Give us this day a thankful heart,
to share our daily bread.
Forgive the old and new wrongs when
they grate against us.
Leave the bitterness and angers,
Let them rest. Look for joy,
despite resistance from the stubborn
pride that calls for ‘justice.’
Alas for us if justice is our lot.
What soul could bear its own true weight
in that Eternal vision all unclouded
by the claim of right and righteousness?
Join hands with all the ghosts as well
as with the table’s guests.
The Host invited all these to the banquet.
Do not begrudge the love of God
lest it be lost to you.
Join hands, give thanks, and let the breezes
of forgiveness cleanse the soul.
Give thanks for that,
the food that truly saves.