Thanksgiving Haikus

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Every year Heidi Shott, Canon for Communications and Social Justice in the Diocese of Maine asks the members of the Episcopal Communicators Lis-Serv to write a Thanksgiving haiku. These are this year’s results.


Grey drizzle for days.

Commute made tolerable

by egg nog latte.

Making lists, checking

twice. Do I get a special

treat for the dogs, too?

Local, free-range bird;

farm-fresh, organic produce:

Sustainable feast.


Weekly feasts on organic,

free-range stuff (for now).

Duraflame® fire glows,

warming the house and lighting

my loved ones’ faces.

My favorite bite:

The one where the cranberry

explodes in my mouth.

Is there anything

better than watching the boy

shovel spuds? “Nummy!”

Cut off from in-laws;

no holiday drama here!

Ah, serenity.

Norah Joslyn

Diocese of Olympia


in the flying car

mashed potatoes and my mom

a buttery blur

gee, i didn’t know

your dog likes cornbread stuffing

as much as i do

wednesday staff meeting

right before thanksgiving day

perfect for haiku

Christie Wills

Diocese of Southwest Virginia


Not an English feast

In-laws arrive and take over kitchen

I sigh and relent

Lucy Chumbley

Diocese of Washington


Wet surface, dark night

Car sliding out of control

The cherry tree lost

Dirt clings to parsnips

Orange carrots ready to chop

Soon, a creamy, warm soup. Yum.

Bits of leafy color

Glisten on the damp sidewalk

Echos of fall glory

Apples, cranberries, heat

Nature’s bounty transformed

A glorious crisp

Nancy Davidge

Episcopal Divinity School


Pie plate, cherries, crust.

Hope for Thanksgiving sweetness.

Wish I was a baker.

Round, plump turkey breast

Promises holiday treats

If it thaws in time.

Melodie Woerman

Diocese of Kansas


Cold turkey roasting

Boston butts snugglin’ closely

For day-after feast

Marcia McRae

Diocese of Georgia


Dad is making pie

this year; we’re thankful for his

retirement work.

My kids have skiing

on the brain. They have to learn

Thanksgiving snow’s not.

Turkey trot at school

today; lots of little legs

spinning fast away.

Beckett Stokes

Diocese of Colorado


Invited and uninvited guests

all are welcome

Christ’s table complete

Kat Lehman

Diocese of Bethlehem


“Like old times”-but now

we relax. No need to prove

it’s just like old times.

Having a best friend

who cooks: feast. Having her here

makes it Thanksgiving!

My daughter’s dentist

decrees tooth must go-time for

Thanksgiving yogurt.

Food, family, friends-

for one day we’ll feel painted

by Norman Rockwell.


includes, I hope, being a

very grateful guest.

Turkey sits uncooked-

collective breath held, praying

for cause to give thanks.

Rain from wintry sky

belies tropic air, conjures

childhood Novembers.

Mary Cox

Diocese of Southeast Florida

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