The Church of South India celebrates its 70th anniversary

csi-70-anniversary-11The Church of South India (CSI) came into existence in 27 SEP 1947, the same year that India gained its independence from the United Kingdom. The CSI is a united church that brought together a number of protestant churches ministering in South India. It was a historic union of churches; Anglican, Congregational, Presbyterian and Methodist that brought both episcopally led and none-episcopally led churches together as one episcopally led church. The CSI is a constituent member of the Anglican Communion.

On 28 SEP 2016, more than 1000 people gathered in St George’s Cathedral, Chennai to celebrate the anniversary. A highlight of the occasion was the baptism of over 700 new Christians. Among the special guests were the moderator of the Church of North India (CNI), a similarly united church, and the Metropolitan of the Mar Thoma Church, an Indian church that traces its roots to the missionary work in India of the Apostle Thomas. The CNI is a member of the Anglican Communion. The Mar Thoma Church is in communion relationship with the Anglican Communion. In India, the CSI, the CNI and the Mar Thoma Church are the Communion of Churches in India.

In NOV 2015, the CSI produced a video that offers a brief history of the CSI and shares its present day witness in South India. Since the filming of the video, two new dioceses have been created in the CSI, bringing the total to 24.

The original story and the photos are from the Anglican Communion News Service. The video was published on CSI Life, the YouTube channel of the CSI.

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