The Climate Change Crisis schedule and panelists

Princess Daazhraii Johnson

The Climate Change Crisis will kick off 30 Days of Action with a live webcast on March 24, featuring Episcopal Church allies like Princess Daazhraii Johnson of the Gwich’in tribe.

From the Public Affairs office of The Episcopal Church:

The Climate Change Crisis, presented by the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society on March 24, and addressing one of the most significant topics in today’s society, will feature panelists well-versed in the critical areas of the environment and the impact of climate change on our world.

The 90-minute live webcast will originate from Campbell Hall Episcopal School, North Hollywood, CA. In partnership with Bishop J. Jon Bruno and the Diocese of Los Angeles, The Climate Change Crisis will begin 11 am Pacific.

Princess Daazhraii Johnson, of the Gwich’in tribe, is one of the speakers. The Gwich’in tribe has been a strong advocate for the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, and has received support from the Episcopal Church in fighting attempts to expand drilling operations in Alaska.

Other panelists include climate scientists and Bishop Marc Andrus, who has made climate change a focus of his episcopacy.

Climate change is affecting other indigenous people in Alaska, including the people of Kivalina, a small whaling community of less than 400 residents. The Episcopal Church made this short video on the ecological danger Kivalina face

You can watch the forum as a live webcast and ask questions before and during; complete information and more details are all available at the Episcopal Church website.


Posted by David Streever

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