The Rev. Anna Carmichael, President of Standing Committee of the Diocese of Eastern Oregon has announced the slate for the election of a new bishop diocesan. These three candidates were chosen by the Search/Nominating Committee of the diocese. Beginning 27 OCT a process for nomination by petition was opened. The process closed 3 NOV. No additional candidates were nominated during the petition process!
The candidates are;
- The Rev. Patrick W. Bell, rector of St. Luke’s Episcopal Church in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho
- The Rev. Jedediah Holdorph, rector of Trinity Episcopal Church in Bend, Oregon
- The Very Rev. Churchill Pinder, dean of St. Stephen’s Cathedral and School in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.
The candidates will participate in a walk about schedule 30 NOV through 5 DEC.
- November 30: Central Oregon Convocation: All Saints of the Cascades, Sunriver
- December 1: Northwest Convocation: St. Mark’s, Hood River
- December 2: Northcentral Convocation: St. John’s, Hermiston
- December 3: Northeast Convocation: St. Stephen’s, Baker City
- December 4: Southeast Convocation: St. Andrew’s, Burns
- December 5: Southwest Convocation: St. Luke’s, Lakeview
The Special Electing Convention will be held 12 DEC 2015 at the Church of the Redeemer in Pendleton OR.
The story is from information on the diocesan website.
The seal of Dio Eastern Oregon