The emoji Bible. Yes, it’s real.

The world’s most widely read book has a new translation – “web”.  Not only does the Bible Emoji swap out frequently used words from the Bible’s King James version with emojis, it also capitalizes on its web-friendly stance by using shorthand like “&”, “y”, “b”, “w/o” and “ppl” for “and”, “why”, “be”, “without”, and “people”.

Around 15 percent of the 66 books have been replaced with emojis and shorthand slang resulting in what looks like a string of texts. Lingo Jam, an online translator, was used to construct the Bible Emoji. The creator, who was raised in the Christian faith, has reported angry commenting from atheists and conservative Christians alike.

However, the creator hopes that people can set aside their preconceptions.

“I hope that they view it as fun. I hope that it has people on both sides go and maybe look for themselves and what’s in the Bible and what it says,” the creator said, speaking to The Huffington Post. “The book has a lot of human history in it, a lot of really good things and also negative things. I hope it helps everyone on both sides of the argument to see it for what it is.”


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