Full communion among Protestant denominations means that churches in full communion recognize in one another the essentials of the Christian faith. It may also involve free interchangeability of membership by individual members of each denomination and an interchangeability of the ordained ministry between the churches. The primary symbols of their full communion is recognition of the baptism of the other denomination and sharing the Eucharist.
The Northern & Southern Provinces of the Moravian Church in North America and the Presbyterian Church USA have agreed to enter full communion with one another. The two provinces of the Moravian Church, which have congregations in 13 US states and 2 Canadian provinces, are also in full communion with the Episcopal Church and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. The Presbyterian Church USA is also in full communion with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, the United Church of Christ and the Reformed Church in America.
The two churches will be celebrating their full communion agreement with a national service of worship on 5 JUN 2016. The service will be held at the Covenant Presbyterian Church in Madison WI. National leaders from both denominations will participate in the service that will include sharing the eucharist.
The main image and information for this story are from the Moravian Church website.
The second image is from the Covenant Presbyterian Church Facebook page.