Welcome to January 2, 2020. It’s the turning of a new year. It’s the turning of a new decade, on a gorgeous blue planet turning on its axis while turning from the winter solstice toward lengthening days as we travel around the sun. It’s no surprise, then, that this is a time of year for us to consider turning in our own lives. And so, on this day, while those New Year’s resolutions remain shiny and relatively untested, may we consider the ways in which we can turn in our own lives.
A Prayer for the Turning
Beloved Redeemer,
we greet your new year with open hearts:
fill them with your grace
that we may reflect your beauty
before the world.
May we turn our hearts
to shake out all the pieces of broken dreams
and rusted, dull aches and resentments
to which we cling,
that we may replace them
with the hope of new life and light
to which you call us in the coming year.
May we turn our feet
from all the paths that have not served us well,
and dedicate ourselves anew
to living with integrity and generosity,
at one with your wisdom, O Loving Creator.
May we turn our faces
toward the light of your promise, O Savior,
trusting in your goodness and mercy,
and allow our souls to be warmed
by your gospel sun dawning within them.
May we turn our tongues
to singing out your grace and truth
picking up the thread of melody
that flows from your call to follow You, O God,
and amplifying your beautiful hymn of life renewed
that echoes in creation.
May we turn our shoulders
to the wheels of justice and peace,
and turn our hands to join with each other,
resolute in standing as a bridge of mercy
in the breaches and chasms
that rend us one from another.
Spirit of Abundant Grace,
sustain us in our turning to You;
hover over us and lead us,
bless us and keep us,
and grant your blessing to those for whom we pray.
Photo: Whidbey Institute Labyrinth
The Rev. Leslie Scoopmire is a writer, musician, and a priest in the Diocese of Missouri. She is priest-in-charge of St. Martin’s Episcopal Church in Ellisville, MO. She posts daily prayers at her blog Abiding In Hope, and collects spiritual writings and images at Poems, Psalms, and Prayers.