This year, for the third year, our diocesan Web site will host an Advent calendar. Previous editions are here, and here. The calendar has been among our most popular features, both in numbers of visits, and number of links from other sites, and I’d really appreciate it if those of you who are preparing lists of Advent resources would consider including our Web address, The calendar will eventually have its own address, but it will always be visible from the homepage.
If you aren’t familiar with the calendar, a few quick words are in order. We create it in cooperation with Washington National Cathedral which, each year, hosts an exhibition of crèches (Nativity scenes) from around the world.
Clicking on the number for the appointed day takes the user to a picture of a figure from one of the crèches. That page contains further links to a daily meditation (much like those in our spirituality section) and a daily online giving opportunity, many of which are gleaned from Episcopal Relief and Development’s Gifts for Life catalog.
The calendar will go live on December 1, and I will post updates about its arrival as the day approaches.
We also have some online Advent activities for children if you are in the market.