Cathy Grossman at Religion News Service reports on the subject of naming:
Do Mainline Protestants need a new name? Could re-branding rouse the dwindling troops? Writing in the flagship mainline magazine Christian Century, scholar and Presbyterian pastor Carol Merritt raised the thought that a new name , one that conveys the Mainline’s rising diversity and social justice leadership, could stem the slide:
“I, for one, am tired of pretending that we want to hang out at the Country Club and eat cucumber sandwiches in fancy hats. We are not some sort of upper-crust elite society.”
So we wondered what a new name could be.
Check out ideas
Old Line
Liberal Church
Grandma’s Church
New Coke
Forget labels
What would you suggest for diverse, social justice, progressive liberal churches? You can add your idea on RNS Twitterfeed #Mainline