The Church Times on GC, etc.

The Church Times in London has an excellent editorial that begins with this imagined scenario:

IMAGINE the Provincial Synod of the Church of Nigeria. At its meeting, it first reasserts its total opposition to homosexuality. Not only will it keep the bar on priesthood and the episcopate, it will also support state discrimination against homosexual people. But then Archbishop Akinola steps in: the Church of Nigeria is part of a worldwide Communion; it is committed to Lambeth Resolution 1.10, pledging it to listen to the experience of homosexual persons. In his global travels, the Archbishop tells his Synod, he has heard that gay people are distressed by such discrimination. He therefore pleads with his Synod to put aside their deeply held convictions for the sake of the wider Church. As a result of his intervention, the Synod passes a substitute motion permitting the ordination to the priesthood and the episcopate of “those whose manner of life presents a challenge” to churchgoers in that country, i.e. gay people. For, says Archbishop Akinola, what is Christianity about if it isn’t challenge?

This conceit may help to convey the magnitude of the passing of motion B033 at the US General Convention late on Wednesday of last week. …

Visit the link to read it all.

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