The Covenant: by the numbers

The current push for an Anglican Covenant has involved over a 66% increase in travel expenditures by Anglican Communion bureaucrats. How much more will be spent on this centralizing, punitive contract before those who are paying the majority of the funds for the Anglican Communion will be in the “second tier?”

Simple Massing Priest runs the numbers on support for the proposed Anglican Covenant. Among other percentages:

The percentage of the Anglican Communion’s bureaucratic infrastructure that is financed by North American Anglicans (excluding donations from the mostly American Compass Rose Society and from Trinity Church, Wall Street): ~36 to 38


The percentage increase in the Anglican Communion’s expenditure on Travel and Subsistence between 2008 and 2009: 66.0


The percentage increase in the Anglican Communion’s expenditure on Accommodation and Meetings between 2008 and 2009: 427.5

Read it all and note that one commenter estimates that the amount of money could save 240,000 children.

More resources on the reasons for opposing the Covenant here and at Comprehensive Unity: The No Anglican Covenant Blog.

Simple Massing Priest asks you to vote on where you would like your money spent.

More responses to the ACO press release from Comprehensive Unity: No Anglican Covenant blog.

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