The effects of income inequality on education and success in 18 charts

“Class haunts people from womb to grave, limiting their ability to flourish and pursue the good life as they define it. Confronted with the reality of our society’s entrenched class system, our national politics in its present state offers three responses. The first response is to deny reality altogether, usually in favor of an anecdote or two. The second is to accept that it exists, but pretend there is nothing you can do about it because those on the bottom are inferior (see Murray, Ryan). And the last response is to note it exists and offer lukewarm solutions that nibble around the margins of the problem without ever doing anything that might actually even things out.”

So writes Matt Bruenig, PolicyShop Contributor at Demos, in a piece published recently at Alternet. Have a look at the charts and come back and tell us what you think they say about upward mobility and economic opportunity.


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