You’ve only got a few hours left to enter March Gladness.
Episcopal Cafe is supporting March Gladness, a clever initiative by Episcopalians for Global Reconciliation . Follow the first link for full details on March Gladness.
Fill out your NCAA men’s basketball tournament brackets, picking the winners all the way to the national champion. (You’ll need a Yahoo ID to do this. If you don’t have one, it’s OK, it’s free, easy and zero risk — click on “Sign Up” when you click to register.) Read before clicking the entry link at the end of this paragraph: MAKE SURE YOUR BRACKET NAME IS YOUR NAME + THE NAME OF YOUR NONPROFIT (e.g. Michael Jordan — Nets For Life). Got your name and the name of your nonprofit (one that supports the MDGs)? You’re ready to click here.
BONUS: We are offering a $100 bonus to the MDG-related charity designated by the winner of March Gladness, an ingenious bracket-related competition devised by the Rev Mike Kinman of Episcopalians for Global Reconciliation (e4gr). The only catch is that you have to leave us a comment on this or some subsequent posting, telling us what organization you are playing for. And that info has to be in before the tournament tips off on Thursday.
March Gladness has caught the eye of the mainstream media. The Associated Press included an item about March Gladness as well at the bottom of its weekly round-up of religion briefs.