What is the future of female clergy in the Church of England? The General Synod meeting this weekend may give some signs about an answer to the question:
Female bishops decision in the balance
Concessions to traditionalists at General Synod could drive out female clergy, campaigners warn
From the Guardian (UK)
Female clergy could abandon the Church of England if too many concessions are offered to people wanting to opt out of their authority, a campaign group has warned.
Members of the General Synod meet this weekend to decide what safeguards there should be for those who do not accept the leadership of female bishops.
At present women can be ordained as priests but remain barred from the higher office of bishop. The synod has already given its overwhelming support to the principle of changing church law to allow female bishops.
The campaign group Women and the Church wants a law without “caveats or conditions” that could limit the role of female bishops and allow opponents to refuse their leadership.