The homeless man who is paying the banker’s bills

A Chicago banker who lost her job nearly a year ago was facing living on the streets with her 10 year old son. A man who’s been living on the street for seven years has been paying to keep her and her son in a hotel and off the streets. It’s a story of surprising reversal and grace.

The man in question, Curtis Jackson is repaying the kindness that the banker showed him when she had money. He pan-handles to get the money she needs to stay off the streets.

“‘I have God. I’m one of the richest men on this earth, ’cause I have God,’ he said. ‘Money is not my master. That’s what’s wrong with this world: money is its master.’

Sandy said she doesn’t think she’ll ever be able to repay Jackson, who’s become like a brother.

‘I’m out here for a purpose: to help someone, and that’s all I’m trying to do is help someone that needs help right at this moment,’ he said. ‘And once she doesn’t need help anymore, I’ll move on to something else.'”

Read the full story here.

This sure sounds like a parable doesn’t it?

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