The Lysistrata bandwagon

You may recall that earlier this week I suggested that the surest way for the Anglican Communion to resolve its internal difference about the morality of various sorts of sexual relationships would be for Anglicans to abstain from sex until a resolution was reached.

I am delighted to report that Hugh Muir, who is writing the Diary column in the Guardian this week has embraced my proposal. Given his support, I expect the Lysistrata plan to be brought to the floor in the Church of England’s General Synod more or less immediately.

Muir wrote: Finally let us pray with Jim Naughton, the canon for communications at the Diocese of Washington DC, who unveils an exciting new approach to problem solving. He says the row over homosexuality in the church would be quickly resolved if all Anglicans were forced to abstain from sex in the meantime. Perhaps this incentive-led approach should be used to improve conditions on the railways. The transport minister’s wife might be lonely for a while. But eventually we would all be safer.

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