The Philippines: church focusing on long term recovery

Anglican Communion News Service reports that the Anglican Communion and its member churches are planning for long term recovery as well as immediate needs:

Anglicans are responding generously to help people hit by typhoon Haiyan and are planning long term support to help communities in the Philippines rebuild for the future.

Speaking from the frontline of supporting devastated communities, Floyd Lalwet, provincial secretary of the Episcopal Church in the Philippines, said that as part of the emergency response, Anglicans at the national cathedral had been packing food parcels to distribute to displaced people.

You can give to the emergency appeals launched byAnglican Board of Mission, Anglican Overseas Aid,Episcopal Relief and Development, Primates World Relief and Development Fund, and Us.

Once the emergency phase is over, Floyd Lalwet said that the Church is focusing its attention on longer term rebuilding.

“The Church is one of the few agencies left after the emergency. Lots of agencies are going home already,” he said.

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