In accordance with our Lord’s prayer and A159 and Great Commission and in gratitude for the Holy Spirit’s gift of reconciliation, we offer the following…with the hope of mending the tear in the fabric of our common life.
1 Cor 9:19-23
The House of Bishops expresses thanks to the AbC and JSC for accepting our invitation. Honored and assisted us in our discernment. Reminder of unity. Much of our meeting time in discernment.
Common discernment of God’s call includes all
We reconfirm that B033 of GC 2006 calls upon us to exercise restraint in consents.
We pledge not to authorize public rites for same-sex blessings.
Commend Episcopal Visitors plan.
Deplore incursions by foreign primates and call for them to cease.
Support PB in consultation.
Call for listening process.
Support AbC in desire for Bishop of NH to participate in Lambeth.
Unequivocal support for civil rights for lgbts.