The Windsor Bishops and the Chamber of Secrets

Updated at last paragraph

The Windsor Bishops, defined as, well, pretty much whoever shows up at these meetings that Bishop Don Wimberly of the Diocese of Texas is holding at the Camp Allen retreat center have returned for a sequel according to this story from Episcopal News Service.

On the one hand, I think that any group of bishops that invities primates from other churches in the Communion to attend meetings such as this one without inviting our Presiding Bishop is being disloyal. On the other hand, if Bishop Bruce MacPherson of Western Louisiana, who is now chair of the PB’s council of advice is again in attendance, maybe this isn’t as bad as it looks.

Interesting that Archbishop Drexel Gomez has once again come to the United States to meet with Episcopal Bishops and still not paid a call on the PB. I think enduring a series of public slights—-such as the language in the Archbishop of Canterbury’s recent letter about deciding “not to withhold” Bishop Jefferts Schori’s invitation to the Primates meeting in February–is part of the price for keeping the conversation in the Communion going.

Father Jake casts a jaundiced eye on this gathering. As does Mark Harris. Tobias Haller wonders where the Archbishop of Canterbury got the idea that Episcopal bishops “represent” their dioceses. Simon Sarmiento has more details.

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