The woman behind TextWeek

Each week as we look at the lessons for Sunday, many of us turn first to the website The Text This Week. Here is the story of Jenee Woodard, the person behind the site who offers the myriad resources for our reflections – whether we preach or ponder each week:

When her son was diagnosed with autism, Jenee Woodard had to give up her dream of a career as an academic scholar. Instead, she created The Text This Week, an influential trove of online resources for pastors writing sermons, Christian leaders and educators.

she studies biblical texts — often in Greek, Hebrew or Latin. It’s where she trolls the Web for Christian commentaries, articles, artwork, music and sermons.

… she created and single-handedly operates The Text This Week, (often called by its url, Textweek) a website that generates two million hits a month — four million near Easter — mainly from ministers and educators. is one of the most influential Christian websites in the United States. Woodard says a link or a reference on her site can generate half a million hits for other websites.

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