Theological brew and pizza church

There’s been a rising movement to take theological discussions out of the confines of church buildings and out into the larger world with the hope that more people will participate, and the theological discussions will be more grounded. Generally this takes the form of a bible study at a local coffee shop. (There are usually two or three going on at any one time at the coffee shop near our Cathedral here in Phoenix.)

But you do hear of the occasional pub being pressed into service too.

But this is the first I’ve heard of a beer and pizza shop being used as a regular venue. Apparently that’s the practice in Lincoln Nebraska. Sounds delicious:

Grey Carlisle and her husband, Ben Carlisle, of St. David’s Episcopal Church, launched Theological Brew this winter as a way to take a traditional church staple, Bible study, to a nontraditional setting, Yia Yia’s Pizza and Beer.

Theological Brew is patterned after the “Brew and Bible” programs that have become popular with many urban Episcopal congregations. The main goal of the movement —and Theological Brew —is to attract young people. Theological Brew is intended for ages 21 to 40.

Even so, the Rev. George Benson, of St. David’s, has lead many of the group discussions, and he’s 58. He’s just trying to help get the group going. “My hope,” he said, “is that at some point in the not too distant future I will be dispensable.”

From here.

Nice to know that even older clergy can get in on the fun. It gives some of us hope.

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