Third Way for Congregations

Anthony Robinson of the Alban Institute believes “…there are perhaps ten important conversations that need to be deepened and sustained in their ongoing life.”

1. It’s not about you:

It is about the end of an era, a sea change in the religious ecology of North America and the role of congregations in our society. American Christendom is over… The end of Christendom means that congregations must learn anew how to do adult Christian formation. Too highly rational or intellectual congregations need to rediscover spirituality. They need to reencounter both mystery and a living God.

2. And yet it is about you:

As we engage in Conversation 1 about what’s changed, and as we do our grief work, however, we are also seeking to discern what God is up to in our new time and to respond with as much wit and courage as we can manage. As we do, we may notice that we not only grieve some aspects of Christendom’s demise, we are also liberated by that death.

Other conversations to have:

3. A new heart

4. Who will lead them

5. Why are we here

6. Let’s get (less) organized

7. Taking on adaptive challenges

8. The church and the public square

9. Death and resurrection

10. Where to we start

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