This Fragile Earth: CDSP event today celebrated creation

The day included prayers for creation, music from the Philippines, a blessing of solar panels and a keynote from Former Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori (current St. Margaret’s Visiting Professor of Women in Ministry). Today, the Church Divinity School of the Pacific held an event combining “theological reflection, discussion and worship,” This Fragile Earth.

Bishop Marc Andrus was also present for opening devotions, a panel discussion and co-leading the solar panel blessing with Jefferts Schori at the end of the day. Additional speakers were W. Mark Richardson, president and dean of CDSP, and Cynthia Moe-Lobeda, professor of theological and social ethics at CDSP and Pacific Lutheran Seminary.

From the CDSP’s August announcement:

Jefferts Schori will deliver the keynote address, titled “Creation and the Effective Word:  Holy Storytelling, Creation, and God’s Mission,” and Moe-Lobeda will give an address titled “Truthtelling, Inequity, and Christian Action.”

The day will culminate with a liturgy to bless CDSP’s new installation of solar panels led by Bishops Jefferts Schori and Andrus. The panels, installed on Easton, Parsons, and Shires Halls earlier in 2016, make up the largest solar installation of any theological seminary in the United States.

The school posted on Twitter and Facebook throughout the event, including the following:


We will post Jefferts Schori’s keynote here on the Cafe when it is available.


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