On evangelical campuses, rumblings of gay acceptance
RNS: “Clearly attitudes are changing,” said David Gushee, director of the Center for Theology and Public Life at Mercer University in Georgia.
“The activism of an entire generation of Christian right leaders had left its mark. Unfortunately the mark wasn’t mainly to change the culture, it was to make Christianity look bad.” Younger evangelicals who have little taste or patience for the political battles of their parents’ generation are looking for a course correction.
Religious African Americans are giving a nuanced response to Obama’s DOMA decision
Washington Post: Some say the decision is dismaying, although not damning. Others may be rethinking their views, given the influence Obama has in the African American community. And there are those who don’t seem to care much at all. “I don’t think that this is a deal breaker in terms of whether we are going to support the president . . . but it doesn’t help,” said Cheryl Sanders, pastor of a small church in Washington, who described herself as fairly conservative theologically. She is among the 68 percent of churchgoing African Americans who oppose same-sex marriage and among the 90 percent who support Obama.
Yet see: Black church leaders ask forgiveness from the LGBT community – The Root
About the book: For fifteen years Banerjee and Duflo have worked with the poor in dozens of countries, trying to understand the specific problems that come with poverty and to find proven solutions.Through a careful analysis of a very rich body of evidence, including the hundreds of randomized control trials that Banerjee and Duflo’s MIT lab has pioneered, they show why the poor, despite having the same desires and abilities as anyone else, end up with entirely different lives.
Easy and affordable portable baptism pools designed to take a beating as well.
BaptEZ: The key is equal pressure all the way around. So when your portable BaptEZ baptism pool is filled with water, people can lean on the side, sit on the side and climb in and out over the side with issue.
Cohort of 5,000 closely-followed UK babies turn 65
Nature: More than anything else, the survey has shown that early life matters — a lot. “Ultimately, where you get to in early adulthood is strongly influenced by where you come from,” says Michael Wadsworth, who led the study for nearly 30 years, until 2007.