According to The Anglican Journal there will be tough topics to discuss between Primate Fred Hiltz and the Archbishop of Canterbury. At least one topic will be the status of Anglican gay and lesbian clergy with spouses in the Anglican Church of Canada. Another is the status of the Covenant the ABC is so desperate to have accepted:
There might be some tough questions to discuss on Nov. 3, but Archbishop Fred Hiltz, primate of the Anglican Church of Canada, plans to keep up his habit of having an annual meeting with the Archbishop of Canterbury.
This year’s meeting will focus on developments at the Anglican Church of Canada’s General Synod 2010 in Halifax in June, and follow up on a letter he sent to Archbishop Rowan Williams about the pastoral statement on sexuality developed at General Synod. “…any time General Synod or its Council or the House of Bishops has a significant statement, I communicate that to the Archbishop of Canterbury ,” he explains. Often, he copies the other 37 primates as well.
When asked if these questions would be discussed in his meeting with the Archbishop of Canterbury in November, Archbishop Hiltz said, “No doubt.” But he added that questions might “be asked in the context of the pastoral statement that General Synod produced, which says all kinds of things about taking into account the perspective of others in significant decisions the diocese is making, being sensitive to one another, being able to live together with difference, [and] not moving aggressively but gracefully and patiently.”
Could there be interest in this approach to divisions and differences as a model that could be used elsewhere in the Communion? “That’s what we hope,” Archbishop Hiltz said.