Trusting institutions

Something from BARNA research to consider while we are re-imagining The Episcopal Church:

In the not-so distant past, institutions were trusted and valued as important parts of a functioning society—from government, corporations and schools to marriage and even organized religion. Yet trust in institutions is quickly giving way to a nation of cynics. New Barna research reports that Americans are ranking their confidence in institutions at abysmal levels. And this institutional skepticism comprises a significant backdrop for the major faith and culture trends of 2014.

…while tens of millions of adults are questioning the value of institutions, there is also a growing countertrend revealed in new Barna data: increasing resolve among many Americans to advocate for these institutions. This erosion of public trust—as well as the countertrend of supporters of those institutions—underscores three of the major trends that Barna Group has included in the newly released Barna FRAMES project.

1) The role of “church” generates both more skeptics and stronger apologists.

2) Americans wrestle with a culture of violence.

3) Trust in the public school system is failing.

Read more details here.

How do you see these trends affecting The Episcopal Church’s efforts to reorganize its structure?

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