Tyler Cowen interviews Robert Wright

The economist Tyler Cowen interviews Robert Wright about his new book The Evolution of God. And more: On being a bad secular Buddhist, The God Bob believes in, Why agnostic Tyler loves the Hebrew Bible [about which more at Kingdom of Priests], How Bob and Tyler came to their personal theologies, Quantum physics and king-sized video games as paths to God.

To sample these go here.

Tyler writes,

Other points we touched upon were the beautiful elements in Islam and its notion of religious ecstasy, the appeal of Sufism, why Unitarianism is not more popular, the pagan polytheistic versions of Catholicism, penalty and punishment in Haitian voodoo, the preconditions of tolerance, my views on meta-ethics, what does the concept of God really mean anyway, why dogmatic atheism is so unfortunate, and what is the real metaphysical problem that everyone needs to face up to.

The entire interview is below.

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