Ugandan bill retains death penalty

Update / 8:15 am, Friday: Bill stalled on parliamentary technicality


The anti-homosexual bill could be voted on in a special session of the Ugandan parliament tomorrow. The US State Department has reiterated its unequivocal opposition. “No amendments, no changes, would justify the passage of this odious bill,” State Department spokesman Mark Toner told reporters reports CNN International.

Despite reports that the bill’s sponsor was willing to remove its most draconian provisions, Human Rights Watch says it has seen the report of committee that the bill has only been tweaked, and new provisions have been added.

Uganda: Parliament Committee Backs Anti-Homosexuality Bill, Recommends Retaining Death Penalty – Human Rights Watch

The Ugandan parliament’s Legal and Parliamentary Affairs Committee has regrettably recommended passage of the proposed Anti-Homosexuality Bill, including retaining the death penalty for “aggravated homosexuality,” Human Rights Watch said today. The committee’s report, as seen by Human Rights Watch, recommends amendments deleting some provisions but adding criminal penalties for “conduct[ing] a marriage ceremony between persons of the same sex.”

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As usual, Box Turtle Bulletin is the go to source: see its post.

Consideration of the bill occurs against the backdrop of the president’s marred inauguration today.

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